azure devops pipelines var access

Paul Sweeney · 21st October 2022

How to access Azure devops pipelines variables set with a ##vso[task.setvariable ... output from other tasks, jobs, deployments and stages…


Variables can be set in Azure Devops Pipelines (aka ADP) by outputing lines of the following form to stdout during a task (here bash but can be powershell, external program etc):

    echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyVar;isOutput=true]'MyValue
    echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyVarNotOutput]'MyOtherValue

Variables set with isOutput=true can be used in other jobs, deployments and stages. Without it, they can only be used in tasks in the same job/deployment.

The format used to access the variable varies - sometimes completely, sometimes subtly - depending on whether:

  • isOutput is used,
  • whether the step that defined the variable is in a job or a deployment
  • whether the accessing step is in the same job/deployment or further afield.

Suggested Solutions

To use an ADP variable in a script, pass it to the script by way of an environment variable (see Deep dive).

If the variable is set in another job, deployment, or stage, then it will first need to declare this as a dependecy, and then retrieve the value from the dependency into a variable within the current job or deployment.

With these approaches, it shouldn’t matter whether or not the variable definition is performed in a template.

  defined without isoutput=true defined with isoutput=true in a job step defined with isoutput=true in a deployment step
Access in another task in same job or deployment $(MyVar) $(SetValueStepName.MyVar) $(SetVarStepName.MyVar)
Access in another job/deployment :x: set job/deployment dependsOn: SetValueJobName

create a job/deployment variable with
MyNewVar: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName
.outputs['SetValueStepName.MyVar'] ]
set job/deployment dependsOn: SetValueDeployName

create a job/deployment variable with
MyNewVar: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName
.outputs['SetValueDeployName.SetValueStepName.MyVar'] ]
Access in another stage :x: set stage dependsOn: SetValueStageName

create a stage/job/deployment variable with
MyNewVar: $[ stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueJobName
.outputs['SetValueStepName.MyVar'] ]
set stage dependsOn: SetValueStageName

create a stage/job/deployment variable with
MyNewVar: $[ stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName
.outputs['SetValueDeployName.SetValueStepName.MyVar'] ]


  1. when the value is defined in a deployment step, the retrieval from dependency needs the deploy name both before AND within the .outputs section.

  2. the change from dependencies. to stageDependencies. when the value is defined in a separate stage

The (kinda) logic for the change of syntax for deployments is that if a deployment strategy other than “run_once” is used, there might be multiple runs of that deployment, and each might have a different variable value, so they need to be specified. It is what it is.

Deep dive

In order to access values in bash scripts, it’s possible to have ADP replace the values into inline scripts before they are executed, but this can be problematic and should be avoided, favour passing the values to the script using environment variables, which are in turn populated from ADP variables.

One of the problems with the in-script replacement is the way ADP deals with the replacements if the variable is not found.

One format for declaring a value to be replaced by ADP is $(variableName). However bash uses this same format to mean “execute the command(s) in brackets and use the output as the result”. e.g.

export filesHere=$(ls -1)

So in order to not break existing scripts, if ADP can’t find a matching variable, it leaves this expression untouched, otherwise replacing it. This is fine for

echo 'Hello $(name)'

It will just give an error if name is underfined. But what if a script author decided to initiate a reboot only if varaible reboot is set to true? :

[[ $(reboot) == "true" ]] && reboot

Unfortunately, if there is no ADP variable reboot then the script will be unchanged and in order to evaluate $(reboot) bash will execute the reboot command on the agent. An extreme example and still likely to fail due to perms, but shows the problems with this approach. It’s also why if the variable does not exist, the error from a bash script echo $(MyVar) can be something along the lines of MyVar: Command not found.

Other syntax for variable replacement exist such as ${{ variables.reboot }} or $[ variables.reboot ] but these have their own inconsistencies, including whether they resolve at “compile time” (when a pipeline is being prepared to run) or “runtime”, and whether they are intended for conditions & expressions or other uses such as scripts and other variable values. In fact they are sometimes actually replace with $(reboot) “under the hood” on a first pass before acting as above.

See Define variables for more details.


So the proposed way to use a value from say another job in a script is:

- job: SetValueJob
  - bash: |
      echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyVar;isOutput=true]'MyValue
    name: SetValueTask
- job: DisplayValueJob
  - SetValueJob
    MyGotVar: $[ dependencies.SetValueJob.outputs['SetValueStep.MyVar'] ]
  - bash: |
      set -euo pipefail
      echo "I got the value ${Env_MyGotVar}"
      Env_MyGotVar: $(MyGotVar)

This way, the problems with the $(...) syntax are avoided as they are not within the script only in the world of ADP. The use of the defensive set -euo pipefail at the top of the script will raise an error in a number of cases, including if the envirnoment var reffered to is not set - e.g. due to typo.

If the variable is not set in ADP, it won’t perform a replacement, so the value will be literal $(MyGotVar) but importantly, bash will not try to further evaluate it.

Naming conventions for “got” vars from other stages/jobs/deployments, and the env version of the var, should probably be formalised, and the choices above made just to clarify what is where.

Investigation Example

Here’s a complete (and slightly mad) pipeline used to find and confirm the above answers for all of this:

- name: myJobValue
  type: string
  default: "MyJobPropogationValue"
- name: myDeployValue
  type: string
  default: "MyDeployPropogationValue"
- name: env
  type: string
  default: "dv"

trigger: none

name: 1.0$(Rev:.r)

pool: vmss-agentpool-linux-v2

- stage: SetValueStageName
  - deployment: SetValueDeployName
    environment: $
          - bash: |
              set -euo pipefail
              echo "MyDeployValue=>${MyDeployValue}<"
              echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyDeploySetValue;isOutput=true]'${MyDeployValue}
              echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyDeploySetValueNotOutput]'${MyDeployValue}
              MyDeployValue: $
            name: setValueDeployStepName
            displayName: Set Deploy Value

          - template: var_test_steps.yml
               myValue: $Template

          - bash: |
              echo "MyDeployStepEnvValue=>${MyDeployStepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyDeployStepEnvValueNotOutput=>${MyDeployStepEnvValueNotOutput}<"
              echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
              MyDeployStepEnvValue: $(setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue)
              MyDeployStepEnvValueNotOutput: $(MyDeploySetValueNotOutput)
              MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue)
            name: getDeployValueStep
            displayName: Get Deploy Value in another step

  - job: SetValueJobName
    - bash: |
        set -euo pipefail
        echo "MyJobValue=>${MyJobValue}<"
        echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyJobSetValue;isOutput=true]'${MyJobValue}
        echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyJobSetValueNotOutput]'${MyJobValue}
        MyJobValue: $
      name: setValueJobStepName
      displayName: Set Job Value

    - template: var_test_steps.yml
         myValue: $Template

    - bash: |
        echo "MyJobStepEnvValue=>${MyJobStepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyJobStepEnvValueNotOutput=>${MyJobStepEnvValueNotOutput}<"
        echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
        MyJobStepEnvValue: $(setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue)
        MyJobStepEnvValueNotOutput: $(MyJobSetValueNotOutput)
        MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue)
      name: getJobValueStep
      displayName: Get Job Value in another step

  - deployment: getDeployValueDeploy
    dependsOn: SetValueDeployName
    - name: MyDeploySetDeployDepValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue'] ]
    - name: MyDeploySetDeployDepNotOutputValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValueNotOutput'] ]
    - name: MyTemplateSetValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    environment: $
          - bash: |
              echo "MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyDeploySetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue=>${CICD_MyDeploySetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
              MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue: $(MyDeploySetDeployDepValue)
              MyDeploySetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue: $(MyDeploySetDeployDepNotOutputValue)
              MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(MyTemplateSetValue)
            displayName: Get Deploy Value in another deployment

  - job: getDeployValueJob
    dependsOn: SetValueDeployName
    - name: MyDeploySetValueJobDepValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue'] ]
    - name: MyDeploySetValueJobDepNotOutputValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValueNotOutput'] ]
    - name: MyTemplateSetValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    - bash: |
        echo "MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyDeploySetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
        MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue: $(MyDeploySetValueJobDepValue)
        MyDeploySetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue: $(MyDeploySetValueJobDepNotOutputValue)
        MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(MyTemplateSetValue)
      displayName: Get Deploy Value in another job

  - deployment: getJobValueDeploy
    dependsOn: SetValueJobName
    - name: MyJobSetValueDeployDep
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue'] ]
    - name: MyJobSetValueDeployDepNotOutput
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValueNotOutput'] ]
    - name: MyTemplateSetValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    environment: $
          - bash: |
              echo "MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyJobSetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue=>${MyJobSetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
              MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue: $(MyJobSetValueDeployDep)
              MyJobSetDeployDepNotOutputEnvValue: $(MyJobSetValueDeployDepNotOutput)
              MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(MyTemplateSetValue)
            displayName: Get Job Value in another deployment
  - job: getJobValueJob
    dependsOn: SetValueJobName
    - name: MyJobSetValueJobDep
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue'] ]
    - name: MyJobSetValueJobDepNotOutput
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValueNotOutput'] ]
    - name: MyTemplateSetValue
      value: $[ dependencies.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    - bash: |
        echo "MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyJobSetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue=>${MyJobSetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
        MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue: $(MyJobSetValueJobDep)
        MyJobSetJobDepNotOutputEnvValue: $(MyJobSetValueJobDepNotOutput)
        MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(MyTemplateSetValue)
      displayName: Get Job Value in another job

- stage: GetValueStageName
  - SetValueStageName
  - name: MyCrossStageDeploySetValueStageDep
    value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue']]
  - name: MyCrossStageJobSetValueStageDep
    value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue']]
  - name: MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueStageDep
    value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
  - deployment: GetInDeployValueDeploy
    - name: MyCrossStageDeploySetValueDeployDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue']]
    - name: MyCrossStageJobSetValueDeployDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue']]
    - name: MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueDeployDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    environment: $
          - bash: |
              echo "MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue}<"
              echo "MyDeployTemplateSetDeployDepEnvValue=>${MyDeployTemplateSetDeployDepEnvValue}<"
              MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeploySetValueStageDep)
              MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageJobSetValueStageDep)
              MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueStageDep)
              MyDeploySetDeployDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeploySetValueDeployDep)
              MyJobSetDeployDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageJobSetValueDeployDep)
              MyDeployTemplateSetDeployDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueDeployDep)

  - job: GetInJobValueJob
    - name: MyCrossStageDeploySetValueJobDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueDeployStepName.MyDeploySetValue']]
    - name: MyCrossStageJobSetValueJobDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueJobName.outputs['setValueJobStepName.MyJobSetValue']]
    - name: MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueJobDep
      value: $[stageDependencies.SetValueStageName.SetValueDeployName.outputs['SetValueDeployName.setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue'] ]
    - bash: |
        echo "MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue=>${MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue=>${MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue=>${MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue}<"
        echo "MyDeployTemplateSetJobDepEnvValue=>${MyDeployTemplateSetJobDepEnvValue}<"
        MyDeploySetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeploySetValueStageDep)
        MyJobSetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageJobSetValueStageDep)
        MyDeployTemplateSetStageDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueStageDep)
        MyDeploySetJobDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeploySetValueJobDep)
        MyJobSetJobDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageJobSetValueJobDep)
        MyDeployTemplateSetJobDepEnvValue: $(MyCrossStageDeployTemplateSetValueJobDep)

The template it calls is:

- name: myValue
  type: string

- bash: |
    set -euo pipefail
    echo "MyEnvValue=>${MyEnvValue}<"
    echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyTemplateSetValue;isOutput=true]'${MyEnvValue}
    echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=MyTemplateSetValueNotOutput]'${MyEnvValue}
    MyEnvValue: $
  name: setValueTemplateStepName
  displayName: Set Value in template
- bash: |
    set -euo pipefail
    echo "MyTemplateSetEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetEnvValue}<"
    echo "MyTemplateSetNotOutputEnvValue=>${MyTemplateSetNotOutputEnvValue}<"
    MyTemplateSetEnvValue: $(setValueTemplateStepName.MyTemplateSetValue)
    MyTemplateSetNotOutputEnvValue: $(MyTemplateSetValueNotOutput)
  name: getValueTemplateStepName
  displayName: Get Value in another template step

Update April 2023

See also azure-devops-pipelines-var-access-part-2 for how to access Azure devops pipelines variables and parameters in a way that is reliable both in a script and in template conditions.